Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our Newest Addition!

Well since my due date was June 6th and our sweet baby girl decided she didn't want to come on her own I was set to induce on Sunday June 10 at 6 am. So we drove down to Pocatello on Saturday evening and stayed the night at Beau's parents house. We got to hospital around 7 and they hooked me up to the IV by 7:30 and at 8:30 they had started the pitocin. When I was admitted I was at 3 cm and 70% so we were hoping things would go quickly. Beau and I walked the halls and I used the exercise birthing ball and all the sudden I was hurting!!!! BAD! so the nurse decided to check me. By this time it was about 1:00 pm and I had jumped from a 3-6cm dilated! At this point i was thinking "awesome! this is so much faster than with Decker's birth!" They called to have my epidural and he was in doing a c-section with twins so needless to say I had to wait. I was ok with that until about 2:30 I was hurting pretty good. I had jumped from a 6-9cm and I was now scared to death. Contractions were 1 minute apart and very strong due to pitocin level being a 14! I was definitely uncomfortable and Beau was so good to sit there and comfort me as best he could. Finally the anesthisiologist came in and we were ready for epidural...at a 9! The minute that kicked in I felt such a huge relief and felt I could do this! Dr. Jones came in and I was so happy to see him. He had just returned home from the Phillippines on a trip the day before! I pushed 3 sets of 3 breaths and our little angel came at 3:36pm. She was Decker's exact weight at 7lbs. 11oz. and she was 21 inches long (Decker was 21 1/2). She had lots of dark hair so I was so excited. She immediately came out ready to latch on! We were so excited for our little Callie Jane Eddie to come into our lives and we love her so so much! She is such a sweet baby! Decker loves her so much!

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