Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day was a fun day this year! We were able to go up to Pocatello after church and spend time with the Eddies! Grandpa Eddie made a yummy dinner and we visited and played outside with the kids! The weather was gorgeous! It was so nice to visit and hang around like old times when we lived in Pocatello! I am so grateful we were able to go up. I definitely needed it! The day before Mother's Day Beau and I worked in the yard all day and after about 1 hour Decker walked up so proud of himself and said, "Here mom this flower is for you!" What a sweet boy he is. I am so grateful for him in my life. What a special boy!

Over all it was a little emotional not seeing my beautiful mother on this day, but I am truly blessed to have a fabulous mother in law that is such a blessing in my life. Sheri, you are one of the most caring, giving, and thoughtful women I know. Thank you for helping Decker plant me some beautiful flowers in a pot for my front porch! We love you!
Mom, I missed giving you a big hug and visiting with you...but in 3 1/2 short months I will be able to give you a huge squeeze and tell you how grateful I am for you and your example. I love you so much! You are my best friend and biggest supporter.  Texas is so lucky to have Sister Bell! On Mother's Day my sweet sister in law Jamie responded to a text I had sent her and it meant the world to me what she said, "Camie, Happy Mother's Day to you too! We miss you guys! You are an amazing mom. Thanks for always thinking of me. You remind me of your mother!! And your mother is one of my very favorite women. Full of charity and compassion! I love you and her so much! Your family is a gift I will cherish forever."
Wow! She gave me the greatest compliment I have been given in a long time...Thanks Jamie! You made my day!
I feel so blessed to be these two sweethearts mom....nothing is better then being needed!

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