Monday, April 29, 2013

Off to Cokeville she goes :(

My best friend Alisa is moving to Cokeville, WY. I am not thrilled about this AT ALL. In fact, it has been super hard and emotional. Her and Daniel are getting a divorce which has been hard on our little family as we love them and they have become like family. Alisa and I both were struggling with living here in Idaho Falls and then we met. It was like "Click" we were a perfect pair of friends. She has been a huge blessing In my life and we have grown super close. I am so grateful for her friendship and I know it is hard adjusting to her moving, but I know we will remain friends. She is a wonderful person and I am blessed to have her in my life. She was able to stay with us for a week and a half and it was so much fun! We ate, shopped, bought skinny jeans together (both of our firsts), talked, cried,  painted nails, went for walks, shook it at zumba, etc. It was like having sleepovers for a week and a half straight. It did make saying goodbye that much harder, but I am so grateful for all the other friends I have that have been taking care of me and keeping me busy! In life we find people that touch our hearts and lives for good. I love you Alisa Jean~
 Celeste texted me this picture and I dies was just what I needed after hugging my best friend goodbye:(

Love all these girls...late night appetizers at Applebees!!!

I crammed all three kids and carseats in the car!

 These two are best of buddies and it is so fun to watch them interact! Pre-decided marriage!

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