Thursday, December 27, 2012

Our First Christmas home!

We decided rather than drag the kids presents around and rush from house to house we would spend Christmas Eve and Christmas in our home for the first time! It was a lot of fun! We had a yummy dinner and then it was time to Skype with Elder and Sister Bell! I am  so grateful we got to Skype with my amazing parents...I really needed it! It was so much fun to visit with them and see them. They mailed a DVD they made for us with our Christmas and it was so fun to watch them show us around Texas and where they are serving...I am so proud of them. They aren't in the best and cleanest place, but they are working so hard and they are so happy! We love you both and miss you tons! Then we opened our new Christmas jammies and started a new tradition where we not only get pj's but a new movie and watch it as a family. This year we got the Grinch cause Decker watched it at Jenny's house and he LOVED it! He was so excited to get his Batman jammies and watch the Grinch! The next morning Santa had come to our house! The stockings were loaded full and we had a wonderful time opening presents as a family! We all got just what we needed! Callie got new clothes as she is growing taller by the minute! Then Decker got some clothes, his first real camo pants, a switch and go Dino transformer, dinosaurs, a big train table from Santa, lots of yummy treats! Beau got lots of fun stocking gifts and I got him a new scope for his gun! He was stoked. Then...drumroll....I got a new laptop! YAY! No more borrowing so that I can blog...needless to say I am using it and I LOVE IT! He also got me some super fun treats and stocking stuffers! We feel so blessed to be our little family in our beautiful home! So blessed.


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